We are all travelers on this journey called life. Trying to find magic in the ordinary, strength in the face of trials, loving others and learning to accept it all with a grateful heart.
The days following a winter storm in Maine are usually the brightest and most beautiful days of the season. Everyone seems to heave a collective sigh. The laughter of children can be heard as they play in the freshly fallen snow and the birds and squirrels are out celebrating the end of another good snowfall. We know yet another storm will be headed our way, as we still have a good 6-7 weeks of winter left, and sometimes the storms begin to weigh us down as the season wears on. It is helpful to remember that the days after the storm are something to look forward to: the bright sun on our face, the snow glittering in the yard, the activity of animals and children around us revving up again and the knowledge that a new season will eventually be here.
The snow always makes the sky look SOOOO blue!!