Thursday, January 23, 2014

A Little Bit of Spring

Something I am working on very hard in my life is to be present in the moment and be grateful for what I have at that moment in time. Not that daydreaming is a bad thing, but it can be a time vacuum and I am more of a dreamer than a doer ( more on that another time), so I know how quickly time can fly and I get nothing done and I lose time thinking of things to come or wishing of things to come and those actual moments I had to be present are gone forever.
So with this in mind, I am trying to embrace this winter. Many days I feel I succeed, by focusing on the beauty of the snow instead of how heavy it is to move it; how fresh the air is instead of how cold it is; how I have a good excuse to make a pot of soup and sit by the fire instead of grumbling that I have been cold all day and can't seem to warm up. Because you see, as I write them down, I realize these are trivial things to grumble about as I have the means to remove snow and stay warm, but day in and day out, the negative thoughts have a way of trying to sneak in.
Sometimes you need to daydream a little, and so when I walked into the grocer yesterday and saw these:

I knew they had to be part of my January decor.
A little bit of spring in my "I am trying really really hard to be grateful for winter" life is just what I needed!
With gratitude,

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